Catalogue Woorbel

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Consulte nuestro catálogo corporativo y descubra la gama de productos Woorbel.
Consultez notre catalogue d'entreprise et découvrez la gamme de produits Woorbel.

Load tests

Type of bearing
Certified weight
Applus certified
10 Simple 150 kg 17/14926-1595S
15 and 20 Simple 150 kg 17/14926-1595S
Tandem 250 kg 17/14926-1596S
30 Simple 100 kg 17/14926-1593S
35 Tandem 150 kg 17/14926-1594S

Corrosion test

Type of finish
Applus certified
Anodized 480 h Grade 5 17/31708997_S

Thanks to this test, Woorbel anodized bearings can be said to meet the most demanding specifications of resistance to corrosion grade 5 with 480 hours exposure in salt spray, according to the UNE-EN 1670:2007 and UNE -EN 1670: 2007/AC:2008 regulations.